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How Big is Too Big When it Comes to Cell Phone Screens?

May 2, 2012
With the availability of so many smartphones on the market today, it is easy to find the one that is right for you. There are choices among plenty of Android phones, the iPhone, BlackBerry and the newest smartphone platform, Windows Phone. cell phone screen width over the yearsThere are also various sizes of these devices, with the screens being of utmost importance. However, it is necessary to ask how big is too big when it comes to cell phone screens.

While you can buy cell phones that have screens as small as 3.2 inches, there are now those that sport screens as large as 5.3 inches, such as on the Samsung Galaxy Note. The average screen size of a cell phone is probably four inches or just a fraction more. All generations of the iPhone thus far have been built with a 3.5 inch screen. However, Apple is reportedly changing that in the iPhone 5 that is expected to see release anywhere from June to October this year as the device is expected to have a screen that is four inches.

With all the different screen sizes of smartphones, manufacturers of cell phone accessories and websites like Tru Protection they certainly have their work cut out for them. They tend to have the most offerings to fit a phone that has a screen ranging from 3.5 inches like the iPhone to just over four inches, like the HTC Sensation and Samsung Galaxy S II. When a device like the Galaxy Note sees light of day, however, it leads these companies to scramble to make accessories that accommodate the considerably larger screen.

Most people are happy with a cell phone that sports a four inch screen. To that end, those that boast a touchscreen of four and a half inches or larger seem to be overkill. Of course, there are exceptions, such as a person who is very large and has hands that are bigger than average. However, the iPhone, which is the best-selling smartphone worldwide, only has a 3.5 inch screen, which seems to keep consumers satisfied.

In spite of this, there is a rumor that, since the release and apparent success of the Samsung Galaxy Note, another device is expected that will have a screen that is larger than five inches. These phones are dubbed as being “phablets,” and are certainly too big to simply be cell phones. It should be interesting to see how well these devices and the cell phone accessories that are made for them sell.

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